Condiment Recipes Deliciously Tasty And Spicy Roa


For those who like to eat ngakunya chili sauce, tastes should know chilli sauce with this one. The name sambal roa. Sambal that is typical of the island of sulawesi famous it seems very nice and also very spicy. The difference with the other used sambal fish roa/rowa which is a fish native to the island of sulawesi.

Sambal roa is very well known and widely available in existing cities in sulawesi. Like makassar, manado, Indonesia and also other cities. For the people there, eating a meal let alone use rice is not complete if no sambal roa. tasty and certainly makes the tongue so sway.

The roa fish used to make sambal fish, is already baked roa in advance. Why not use roa/rowa fried or steamed? This is because with the way baked aroma out of the usually small fish become more luscious and fragrant as well.

The fish was just there in the roa island of sulawesi, and it had been one of the obstacles to this sauce may not be made in other areas. But still, it could be just the hell fish roa in some places already selling. And maybe somewhere you guys are one of them. Therefore the following recipes and how to make fish sauce spicy and tasty typical roa of manado in sulawesi and other islands.

Condiment Recipes Roa


  • 100 grams of fish flesh, take roast roa and discard the skin and bones were.
  • 1 piece of fresh tomato, iris-iris dice.
  • 1 teaspoon granulated sugar.
  • 1 teaspoon salt.
  • Cooking oil to taste.

Subtle seasoning:

  • 10 grains of red onion.
  • 6 cloves of garlic.
  • 10 medium-size red chilies.
  • 4 pieces of red pepper.

How to make spicy sauce typical manado roa:

  1. The first toast (fried without oil) fish flesh roa briefly until fragrant. If it has been set aside in the past.
  2. Heat a little vegetable oil, then stir in the herbs finely and FRY until fragrant matured &.
  3. Enter fish roa we already roasted in advance. Add salt and sugar and sliced tomatoes. Stir-stir until evenly mixed.
  4. Cook until done and lift.
  5. Sambal spicy and deliciously roa are ready to be eaten.



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