Candied Papaya Recipe Dry and Wet

Candied Papaya Recipe - You know what it preserves? certainly the idea. But the question is artificial candied or better known candy factory. Rather it is the food / snack made from fruits mixed together sugar as the main ingredient. This food has long been there, you know your friends and can be categorized as a comestible past. Even in the books of the past output, this food has a lot on the pillowcase.

Candied itself can be made from a variety of fruits such as mango, barking, even fro could also be processed so this food. But for this occasion we will discuss the recipes of sweets made from papaya fruit. Not only tasty, it also preserves healthy considering papaya is good for the body, especially for digestion.

Candied papaya itself is divided into two versions. The first version is dry and the second one is wet. Like the name, the difference between these two preserves only lies in the presence or absence of water (sugar). If dry without water and wet water use.

Candied Papaya Recipe Dry and Wet
Illustration Candied Papaya
Preferably when asked which one? yes it is in line with the tastes of each. Well get on with it, following the recipe candied dried papaya and wet delicious home-style alias is well suited to be made at home because it is easy and simple.

Candied Papaya Recipe Dry

  • 1 papaya mengkal large size, peeled, seeded and cut into pieces according to taste
  • 750 grams sugar
  • 250 ml water
  • 2 tablespoons salt
  • Water solution whiting (from the same 2 liters of water plus 1 tablespoon whiting)
 How to make candied dried papaya namely:
  1. Enter whiting water solution into the container. Then enter the papaya chunks into it and soak for approximately 1 hour. Then lift wash and drain.
  2. Then sprinkle as much as 250 grams of sugar to papaya drained. Then leave it alone until the sugar melt and seep into the papaya. Set aside for a moment.
  3. Next, mix the water with residual sugar was yes approximately 500 grams. Then let it boil. 
  4. Enter a papaya and then wait for approximately 2 hours until thickened sugar water. Turn off the heat, remove from heat and drain papaya.
  5. Drying papaya in the sun to dry. At least 2-3 days.
  6. Once dried, candied papaya ready to be enjoyed or save in topless so durable.

Candied Papaya Recipe Wet

  • 1 papaya mengkal
  • 1 kg of sugar
  • Salt solution (made from a mixture of 1 liter of clean water together 4 tablespoons of salt).
  • The solution whiting (made from 1 liter of clean water mixed with 3 teaspoons whiting).
How to make delicious papaya wet namely:
  1. First of all papaya peel, and remove all the seeds and then cut into small pieces to taste.
  2. Then enter into the container containing saline solution. Soak up papaya wilted, drain.
  3. Furthermore, reinsert papaya pieces but this time in a solution of whiting. Soak overnight only. If you already wash thoroughly with water.
  4. Put papaya pieces in a container. Then enter 200 grams of sugar, stir and then leave it alone until the sugar melts. Yes for at least 2 hours. Lift papaya and drain.
  5. Water soaked sugar was not discarded. Mix it with 150 grams of sugar and cook until boiling and thickened. Remove and let cool.
  6. Pour the sugar solution on papaya chunks. Then soak for a night in the container / topless until runny. Drain.
  7.  Candied papaya wet ready to be served and enjoyed.



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