Sausage Rolls recipe-tasty Tasty Noodles and simple

The original sausage indeed not come from indonesia, but with time these foods is now very grounded in our country. Even now many servings of sausage that much favored by the public from getting children up to adults. His example is the sausageroll noodles.

The name of the sausage roll noodles sounds. Yes the food is made from sausage to this one could indeed be said to be one of the sausage dishes so simple. Be it from materials to manufacturing way. But the name of the food certainly made with tastis good as yummy as well-this cuisine.

Resep Sosis Gulung Mie
Ilustrasi Sosis Gulung Mie
Sausage roll noodles is sometimes considered suitable for children and often serve as a side dish for children at school because it is practical and it was also delicious.Not only that, it also seems to be fit as well as additional snacks in the month of Ramadan.

Sausage roll noodles more taste good if eaten with chilli sauce or tomato sauce. But it all depends on taste alone. Well get on with it, the following recipe sausage roll delicious tasty noodles, along with a way of making it easy to understand!


  • 3 pieces of sausage (flavored chicken or beef may, according to taste), and then the usual cut into 3 parts. Per section  sausage with a knife (cut but not to break up).
  • 1 piece of noodle without seasonings, e.g. doves noodle or other types of noodles can also be. Instant noodle is also okay, but later his seasoning do not need to use the alias his noodle are in use.
  • 1 egg chicken, figured out and shake off the
  • Cooking oil to taste
  • To boil the water to taste

Fine spices:

  • 1/4 teaspoon flavor enhancer
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 2 grains of red onion
  • 1 clove garlic 

Supplementary materials:

  • Tomato sauce, chilli sauce if liked

How to make sausage rolls-tasty tasty noodles:

  1. The first step put the noodles in the Pan, the love of the water and then simmer until boiling and his soft noodles. Lift and drain. Try to mienya don't be too ripe so thatthe result later had a nice texture.
  2. Pour the noodles into a container, then mix it with subtle seasoning that was already prepared. Stir until blended.
  3. Take the sausages then roll using the noodles. do until all the parts of the scroll by sausage with noodles.
  4. If you have dip sausage rolls whisk the egg into the noodles.
  5. Heat the cooking oil is pretty much and then FRY the sausages that have been rolled noodles until cooked and the color change.
  6. Lift and drain sausage rolls and then noodles are ready to be enjoyed together with ketchup or chilli sauce if liked.



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